2.8mm Wide-Angle Lens

for IN-8015 / IN-8415 / IN-8815

29,99 € 25,20 €
You need a bigger angle of view then 90°? Then you should use the new super-wide-angle lens. By simple changing the lens you can get an angle of view of about 120°
Article No:
2.8mm Super-Wide-Angle Lense
2.8mm Super-Wide-Angle Lense for IN-8015 Full HD

You require a wider viewing-angle?

The IN-8015 Full HD IP camera already comes with a build in 4,3mm wide angle lens that offers a 90° viewing angle.

With the 2,8mm super wide angle lens you will achive an angle of up to 120°. The also integrated IR Cut filter inside the IN-8015 Full HD enables you to utilize the night vision feature while capturing natural and vibrant colours in broad daylight.

Below you can find a viewing angle diagram with which you can calculate the distance you should have to the object. In addition if you click above on "Lense comparison" you can see and compare all compatible lenses for this camera model.

Recommended distance: minimum of 1-5m to the target

Vergleich der Bildauschnitte

Direkter Bildvergleich


2,8mm Superweitwinkel


4,3mm Standartobjektiv


8mm Objektiv


16mm Objektiv


Información general del producto
Longitud focal 2,8 mm
Ángulo de visión aproximadamente 120°
Montura de lente M12xP0.5
Visión nocturna Compatible con luz infrarroja de 850nm y 940nm
¿Filtro infrarrojo fijo en el objetivo? No
Otros detalles
Compatible con IN-8015 Full HD, IN-8015 Full HD PoE, IN-8415 2K+, IN-8815 4K
Peso 50g
Medidas en cm (A / L / P) 0 / 0 / 0
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