The small camera 1 times 1
How much can I see at a certain distance? You can calculate this and more here.
- Calculation of the image section
- Distance calculation
- Angle of view calculation
SD Card Calculator (for INSTAR IP Cameras)
How many recordings will fit on my SD card? With the help of our calculator you can find out the number and total duration of your recordings.
- Recommended settings
- Custom settings
Bandwidth Calculator
(for INSTAR IP Cameras)Determine the video transmission speed under the different settings and get answers to the following questions.
- How much load is placed on my network when all cameras are called?
- How many cameras can I effectively reach externally at the same time?
INSTAR Installation CD
Have you purchased your first camera? Click here to get an introduction to commissioning your camera.
- Initial setup of your camera
- Useful tips
INSTAR Camera Tool
Convenient tool to access your camera on PC.
- Locating your cameras IP address
- IP Configuration & Update Tool
- Download the recordings from the SD card
INSTAR Remote Control
If you would like to use the remote maintenance, please download the remote maintenance tool here first. Then contact us by phone.
- Remote maintenance for Windows, MacOS and Linux
- Tel: +49 (6438) 9198992 (Mo-Fr from 8am - 2pm GMT+1)