Software CD

Includes installation information,
camera mounting, and
other helpful topics
Camera Tool

This handy tool assists you in
finding your INSTAR cameras
within your home network.
Please select your operating system:

Latest Firmware

Important note for selecting the correct firmware!
Please pay attention to the second digit group of the firmware version. If your current firmware has a 35 there, please also select the new firmware with 35. If your firmware has a 25 or another number there, please select the new firmware with 25.
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.

Latest Firmware
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.

Latest Firmware

Important note for selecting the correct firmware!
Please pay attention to the second digit group of the firmware version. If your current firmware has a 37 there, please also select the new firmware with 37. If your firmware has a 22 or another number there, please select the new firmware with 25.
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.

Latest Firmware

Important note for selecting the correct firmware!
Please pay attention to the second digit group of the firmware version. If your current firmware has a 37 there, please also select the new firmware with 37. If your firmware has a 22 or another number there, please select the new firmware with 25.
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.
IN-3010 POE

Latest Firmware
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.

Latest Firmware

Important note for selecting the correct firmware!
Please pay attention to the second digit group of the firmware version. If your current firmware has a 37 there, please also select the new firmware with 37. If your firmware has a 22 or another number there, please select the new firmware with 25.
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.
IN-3011 POE

Latest Firmware
Latest WebUI

After downloading, please unzip the file. Install the latest firmware "before" installing the new web interface.